Rising 4th, 5th, 6th graders
9am-12pm, free w/ limited space, priority for members
Ready to investigate different sciences at Core Sound. Campers will discover the importance of the environment through hands-on learning, STEM activities, and exploration. Three packed days with Feathers, Flowers, and Fun, What Are You Eating?, and Wanna Get Wet and Dirty! Camp activities will be similar to shell scavenger hunt, bird beak lab, plant dissection, and more. We will also have guest organizations share environmental science activities with the campers. Activities will be geared toward the students' ages. Dress for outside and inside activities–closed toed shoes, bug spray, and sunscreen. Bring a water bottle and snack.
Day 1: Feathers, Flowers, and Fun — Plants and animals of the area (birds, horses, shells, flowers, plants)
Day 2: What Are You Eating? — Ecosystems: populations, communities, Food chains, food webs
Day 3: Wanna Get Wet and Dirty! — Stewardship: water and soil protection